hr - Keramik,paletleme sistemleri,paletleme sistemleri,


HR Policy

Keramik believes that its most important asset is its human resources and in compliance with its strategic plans, by taking into consideration its middle and long term targets, it plans human resources. Keramik aims to create a workforce comprised of individuals who can create value and are reliable, responsive, ethical, accommodating, long term, innovative, result-oriented and able to think outside the usual boundaries.

  • To increase efficiency and quality while raising employee motivation
  • To attract the highest quality people, to develop them and ensure low turnover
  • To respect equal rights and individual differences
  • To share the responsibilities of career development with employees
  • To utilise future-orientated competencies
  • To continually develop and improve skills and knowledge
  • To ensure praise and appreciation is given to individuals for their contributions to team success
  • To apply a HR system congruent with our strategies

Job Applications General Application
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